Monday, March 8, 2010
Oscars fail to be engaging as usual, I stop caring
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Shabamzy - Sneaky Dees Ruckus Rating
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
You Should Probably Avoid This
I won't lie; I did briefly sit there with a smirk on my face while I read the ticker at the bottom, and of course it was all negative; US invades IRAQ, Teen Girl Missing, Terrorists Plan to Attack Again, and blah blah blah. Wouldn't it be beneficial to put jokes or even some motivational quotes that will inspire you, instead of bad news and negativity? I'll give you a hint why they don't; Fear = Control = Money = Beach House.
Everything on CNN is based around fear. To keep you afraid of the enemy, but who's the real enemy? Do you really believe Afghanistan has weapons of mass destruction? I believe it's all a facade. They need to keep you in fear so they can give you some BS excuse to invade other countries for resources and raise your taxes. Were you aware that not a single red cent of your tax money is put towards where you would think it goes. It's put towards the countries debt. What's sad is that all the media has to do say the word Terrorist and the majority of people will gladly open their wallets; especially now after 9-eleven. And if you still think Terrorists are responsible for the 9-eleven attacks, you need to give your head a shake and begin your own research. I would recommend this as your starting point.
I don't personally watch television, but when I do it's either sports or something educational like
Monday, February 8, 2010
Film dork video of the week
I promise this isn't a virus. Or a Rickroll.
Thoughts on the TTC - Allen Lee
"Sure buddy, you'll be doing some transferring but you'll get home," he said. I was in no rush, and since saving money was one of my strengths, I hopped on.
At the time of night, I was the only passenger to take the 41 bus down to Keele Station. The driver took off after his smoke, and suddenly I was reminded of the recent news surrounding the TTC. From passed out attendants to inappropriate coffee breaks, I felt inclined to strike up a conversation with him. I asked for his opinion and how he felt about the recent TTC situation. He glanced at me sort of surprised and with skepticism, likely to figure if I was truly interested or just drunk. Eventually he relaxed and began giving me his perspective.
I asked how it felt to be spoken for by a negative TTC driver's behaviour and having to face the consequences that might not reflect him personally.
"Actually, the driver isn't actually suspended for the coffee break," he answered. "He was suspended for being rude and escalating the situation."
I was quite intrigued at this response, and urged him to go on. According to him, the media had gotten some key facts wrong, and that the driver was actually 6 to 7 minutes ahead of schedule. Technically drivers are not allowed to arrive or leave stops earlier than schedule.
I was captivated when he began telling me that he had driven that very route a couple years ago.
"I know that route, and I know that stop where the Tim Hortons is. Its almost guaranteed that the bus will arrive 5 minutes earlier than expected," he recalled. "But I personally never took a washroom break there," he finished. "There's no running water in the washroom!"
Our conversation lasted a while longer, and he managed to get several points across. Being a passenger in the past, he was always ticked off at the way drivers went for coffee breaks during their routes. Therefore, he personally vowed never to take breaks when passengers were on board.
I transferred buses 4 times that night to get home. Three of the four drivers gave me food for thought. One driver described an incident that happened 5 years ago. While working on the TTC subway, the driver fell victim to gang violence that ended up leaving a scar above his right eye. Apparently, the assault was committed by a newly recruited gang member. His test, or better known as "initiation", was to punch the TTC employee in the face while he was making sure the doors were shut properly before the train took off.
"Did you catch the bastard?" I asked. He snickered and said, "We're talking about the TTC here guy. He was gone like the wind."
I got off my last stop and was left with my own thoughts. The driver who drove down Yonge St. did was stuck in my head. Several homeless folk caught the bus and clumsily boarded. "You know we're not allowed to give free ride," the driver sighed. The men murmured softly and found their comfort in the back of the bus. What was the driver to do? Deny these men the ride? Adamantly deny them in the name of the TTC?
That night I felt a strong desire to begin looking deeper into the story. Personally, I am a pleased and happy customer of the TTC, and thoroughly enjoy the service. I'm sure there are many of those out there that share the same approval of our city's public transportation. But when a couple of people with their cellphones recording a worker on his coffee break and causing such useless news coverage, I feel like I've been spoken for. You are not the righteous citizen that you think you are.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Shabamzy - The Central Ruckus Rating

By: Shabamzy
Place: The Central
Address: 603 Markham Street, Toronto.
Annex local
Ever been handed a drink from a bartender that was supposed to be water but ended up being 100% vodka? It happens at The Central. Pour me a tall glass of sobering aqua goodness my good man! Nope. No way. Time to tell the brainstem to go real quite, still as the midnight tundra. Your feeble protests can no longer break through the 280 pound/proof Russian vodka bouncer I've thrust between your messages of restraint and the all out madness of the next four hours.
Brainstem pleads, "Don't sing every song with a thick Irish accent" It cries, "It's poor form to ransack your own purse, dump it on the floor and stealing your last $18 to buy shots for strangers". At The Central, you have no chance of sobriety or redemption. You will do these things and more. You will become a rutting savage, pure in the bliss and glee of the wild, free of your workload and the malcontents who stay home and drool. You will be sexy and advantageous in all regards. The Central will coat you in hot plastics and smear you on the opposite sex.
We call this place the Vortex. The small morsel of your brain that cares for your well being and says, "Don't dry hump the coat rack" will be sucked with gale force from your body as you enter the door. You will spend the rest of the night filling the void with candied liquors and a mouth full of foreign tongue.
They sell delicious food here as a front. You can't beat their sweet potato fries and they have wondrous sangria. Their tasty bites come at affordable prices and arrive quickly. They earn top notch for service and pleasure. It's a trick though; a ruse to make you believe you are not going to stay out too late and arrive red eyed and body buzzed to work the next morning. Clever little Central.
Our good friend left a party Lenny Kravitz was hosting to come to the Central with us. The Vortex consumed him and he spend the whole night walking around with his phone on his shoulder held aloft to show the picture of he and Lenny posing. He introduced him as though he were standing beside him. "Have you met Lenny he croaked", "yes, five times tonight chap." We've seen a candy food fight here, people walking out on a $200 bar tab, vomiting from the 2nd floor patio deck into the flora below and a guy walk straight into a window thinking he had somehow mastered the quantum physics needed for such a task. It's a prime picnic if I may say.
The Central is rated one of the premier live music venues in Toronto and has taken great steps to ensure new talent can flourish. Shabamzy plays there regularly and loads the place full to the tits with hounds and non-spade kittens. Bark and Moan we say.
Check out Justin Plet, John Tayles, The Weeds and more.
Visit Dirty Junk for 69cents play on Sunday Feb 7th for your chance to see local artist peddle their wares for extraordinary low prices. Just the name alone suggests you'd be a bed wetter not to attend.
You might not be the kind of person who looks for a mind bending local. You might be the club footed prison punk type who would rather touch a puppy while it sleeps.
Whatever type you are, you'll be welcome at The Central. Even the puppy private petters. You'll just have to stand at the front where everyone can see your hands.
Ruckus Rating = a scale out of 6 rating the amount of crazed behaviors the place tolerates before being thrown out or beaten with a rotten shoe.
The Central has a Ruckus Rating of 4.0.
Someone who can tell your fortune by squeezing your nipples.
Link: The Central Facebook group.