Feeling up Toronto, one limb at a time.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Social Media Revolution

I recently stumbled on this video that shows us the "Social Media Revolution" we're currently in.

How accurate the stats are, I'm not too sure. Nevertheless, it has a Fatboy Slim track playing in the background, and that alone is reason enough to take a look. Seeing these facts makes me wonder what the hell people did before this so called "Revolution"?

I think somewhere along the line of this whole social media frenzy, people figured that it was necessary to update everyone on their daily business. Am I suppose to care that, "Stacy is gearing up for Friday Night", or "Steve got a paper cut and it hurts like a B****"? The answer is "No. Hell no".

Don't get me wrong, I love the Internet and all it's perks. And to be honest, the Inter-webs along with Nintendo raised me better then my parents ever could. But I do think it can also work against you if you don't know what you're doing.

For instance, the whole stolen identity and privacy thing is a huge issue. You have people b****** about their accounts being breached and their pictures being used. What do you expect when your whole life is plastered online. The only thing missing from some of these people's albums is a picture of them when they were 4 years old, sitting on a pony. People put a little too much trust in these social sites.

13 albums and 314 pictures?? Don't mind if I do!!

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